XL Lifts: People + Technology = Minimal Downtime

Dedicated to optimizing operational efficiency by minimizing downtime, XL Lifts offers nationwide service and support. Using the latest technology, service requests can be submitted online 24/7. Once a service request is made, a dedicated XL Lifts service support team member oversees repairs and ensures equipment is up and running as fast as possible. For our latest generation of electric forklifts, diagnostics and even some repairs can be done remotely. 

Service Map

Request Service

Fill out these simple forms to request service on World or Wiggins forklifts. A member of our service team will be in touch soon to get your forklift back in service.

World Service Request

Wiggins Service Request

Email us at service@xlliftsinc.com with questions.

Servicing Electric Forklifts

Electric forklifts are simpler to maintain than ones with internal combustion engines. The reason is simple: electric motors are less susceptible to wear and tear as they have just a few moving parts compared to combustion engines with hundreds. Plus, regenerative braking means less wear on brake pads and rotors. 

While significantly easier to maintain, some maintenance is still needed. So whether you have your own mechanic perform regular maintenance, or use one of our authorized service technicians, conducting recommended maintenance is crucial. 

Remote Diagnostics = Faster Service

The latest generation of Wiggins eBulls come equipped with proprietary battery management software, which means forklifts are always connected. The benefit is twofold: robust telematics are available in real-time and service repairs are expedited. Plus, Wiggins proprietary software is constantly scanning the health of its electric forklifts. This means we can proactively identify potential issues, even when forklifts are not in use. Push notifications can also be set up so that service teams and management immediately know when a lift is down. When a service visit is needed, remote diagnostics means that service technicians can come equipped with the necessary parts to get forklifts back to work on the spot.


Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and performance of your forklifts. Whether you have your own mechanic perform regular maintenance, or use one of our authorized service technicians, conducting recommended maintenance is crucial.